February 5, 2010

I'm in the Mood.... to GIVE STUFF AWAY...

If you follow either of my blogs, you know that I like to give stuff away. I guess you can say I like to share the things I like - in the hopes of introducing a little sunshine into someone else's life...

Well, I'll be doing it again. As soon as I figure out what it will be. For now, follow me. Tell your friends to follow me. Of course, following and commenting is going to be required for this. So send 'em on.

While you're online, drop by my Tastefully Simple page to check out some limited time items. There are some good things that may not be around for the catalog change in just over a month.


Anonymous said...

You know I follow you baby!!!!

I'll even put your badge on my page!

Unknown said...

I follow you on both facebook and here! :) I'll try to send some more over!