February 17, 2010

Happy Happy!

Wheeeee! One of my BEST friends, Danica, nominated me for the Happy 101 Award. Thanks, D! And get your hiney on that couch and quit cleaning! :)

How does this work?
1. Copy and paste the award OR save and attached the award to your blog
2. Link to the person who sent it to you
3. List 10 things that make you happy
4. Pass the award on to other bloggers, visit their blog, and let them know.
1. Darren and Chaya. They are my family and I love them dearly.
2. My friends - the people who keep me sane, laughing and occupied!
3. Spring. I love the whole renewed feeling of it. I don't love the allergies that come along with that, but I love how cold, dead and dreary days turn into flowery, sunny days.
4. Cupcakes. Something about a small, sweet, icing-y cake. Portable, yummy, and portion controlled.
5. Packages. I LOVE getting packages in the mail. Whether I ordered and paid for it myself. It's something great to get something you want instead of a bill or unsolicited junk mail!
6. Crafting (making cards (especially when I'm making them with Chaya) and sewing).
7. Sewing.
8. Trying new recipes and foods - especially Tastefully Simple. The easier, the better!
9. Kids. I love them. They are so sweet, innocent and funny.
10. Vacations. I can go to IOWA and be happy about it. There's something about just getting away from your daily routine and out of my normal surroundings and routine (or is it getting a day off of work) that makes me happy.
And now for MY nominees:
1. Trisha - she's my team leader for Tastefully Simple, a good friend, and the mother of one of the cutest babies in the world!
2. Emily - she's one of my besties and needs to do SOMETHING to update her dang blog!
3. Colleen - she is awesome and I love her!
4. Erin (EJ) - she is the mother of one of my favorite 4 year-olds and an awesome crafty lady that I love dearly!


Anonymous said...

YAY! Smoochies!

Unknown said...

Yay... I'll post this tomorrow! :)